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Introduction to Compact Modelling in EDA toolkit and its application for 2D Disordered System

2019-05-10 学术讲座 浏览量:3580

Academic Frontier Lecture No. 013

Title:Introduction to Compact Modelling in EDA toolkit and its application for 2D Disordered System

TIME: May 13th 16:30-17:30

VENUE: Taizhou Hall 202-2

SPEAKER: Lingfei Wang Ph.D National University of Singapore, Singapore



Lingfei Wang is currently working toward the Ph.D degree in department of electrical and computer engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. He received the M.Sc. degree in Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2016, and the B. E. degree in microelectronics from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013.

Dr. Wang is a member of IEEE EDS, and focuses on compact modeling for advanced materials and devices. His works cover graphene-, TMD-, BPNR- and Poly- FETs, and the applications include synaptic emulation, analog or digital circuit simulation. These works have been published on the top conference IEDM, APL, IEEE EDL and JAP, etc. His current research interests include the charge transport in low dimensional functional materials, devices and circuits, multiple computing strategies.


Over the past decade, two dimensional (2D) materials, comprising graphene, black phosphorus, and molybdenum disulfide, have captured the considerable attention of scientific and industrial communities, due to the unique electrical, thermal and mechanical properties at nanometer-scale thicknesses. Till now, various innovative device ideas have been demonstrated in the applications such as radio frequency circuits, flexible electronics, and even memristors. Due to the rapid development of material characterization, the structural disorders (e.g., vacancies and grain boundaries, etc.) are observed in 2D system with great contribution to the transport behaviors, which dominate the performance of various applications. Therefore, the compact description of charge transport in 2D disordered systems is important to comprehend the linkage between circuit performance and the fundamental changes in materials. The focus of this seminar is introduction to the compact models of electrical characteristics in 2D systems with various types of disorders, targeted at the potential applications in circuit design and neuromorphic computing.


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