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2019-10-16 通知公告 浏览量:3511

一. 论坛介绍


二. 申请条件



三. 日程安排




四. 申请时间


请发送CV和一页纸学术规划至:南方科技大学深港微电子学院人事招聘邮箱: sme-hr@sustech.edu.cn提交申请,并在邮件主题中注明“研究方向”。我们将在收到您的材料后尽快审核并发出邀请函。由于会议规模有限,有意向者请尽早提交申请。


 五. 差旅与住宿


六. 薪酬福利待遇与科研生活条件










  七. 咨询方式



Email: sme-hr@sustech.edu.cn

       南方科技大学(简称南科大)是深圳在中国高等教育改革发展的时代背景下,创建的一所高起点、高定位的公办创新型大学,它肩负着为我国高等教育改革发挥先导和示范作用的使命,并致力于服务创新型国家建设和深圳创新型城市建设。南科大被确定为国家高等教育综合改革试验校。2012年4月,教育部同意建校,并赋予学校探索具有中国特色的现代大学制度、探索创新人才培养模式的重大使命。南科大根据世界一流理工科大学的学科设置和办学模式,以理、工、医为主,兼具商科和特色人文社科,在本科、硕士、博士层次办学,在一系列新的学科方向上开展研究,使学校成为引领社会发展的思想库和新知识、新技术的源泉。南科大将发扬“敢闯敢试、求真务实、改革创新、追求卓越”的创校精神,突出“创知、创新、创业”(Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)的办学特色,努力服务创新型国家建设及深圳国际化现代化创新型城市建设,快速建设成为聚集一流师资、培养拔尖创新人才、创造国际一流学术成果并推动科技应用的国际化高水平研究型大学,为尽早实现创建世界一流研究型大学的宏伟目标打下坚实基础。

      南科大设置数学系、物理系、化学系、生物系、地球与空间科学系、统计与数据科学系、电子与电气工程系、材料科学与工程系、海洋科学与工程系、计算机科学与工程系、环境科学与工程学院、力学与航空航天工程系、机械与能源工程系、生物医学工程系、金融系等18个院系中心。目前已签约引进教师约800人,其中教研系列教授(tenure/tenure-track)约380位,院士27位,高层次人才比例占50%以上;学生总数6470人,其中本科生4205人,硕士、博士研究生2214人。自2016年起,全国普通高等学校科技统计中我校连续三年人均科研经费超过100万元,名列全国高校前五名。学校已获批建设9个省部级科研平台,27个市级科研平台。2018年5月至2019年4月,南科大在自然指数排行榜中国内地大学中排名第26位。“自然指数2018上升之星”增刊显示,在全球100家指数表现上升最快的机构中,南方科技大学在榜单中位列第四,居于1988年之后建校的年轻大学首位。2019年9月12日, 泰晤士世界大学排名网发布“泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名2020”,南方科技大学位列中国内地高校第九,连续第二年位列中国内地高校前十名,全球第301-350位;在教学、研究、论文引用、产业收入和国际视野五大指标表现中,南科大的论文引用指标位列中国内地第一,国际视野指标位列中国内地第三。


1  Introduction

The Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is an important conference for talent recruitment. It aims to provide a platform for academic exchanges among young scholars at home and abroad, to promote interdisciplinary and academic innovation, and discuss the approach for the construction of world-class universities and disciplines. Through the recruitment of world-class talents, we plan to build SUSTech into a high-level research university with unique characteristics in the world. 

2 Qualifications for Applicants

(a) Under age of 40 (born after 1 January 1980);

(b) Doctoral degree obtained from internationally renowned universities and institutes; or Ph.D. degrees from Chinese universities with more than 3 years of working abroad, with achievements in related fields or good potential for further development; scholars with academic influence in the related field. Scholars from all areas are welcome.

3 Forum Schedule

Registration Date: January 3, 2020(Friday)

Date of the Forum: January 4-5, 2020

An introduction of SUSTech, academic presentations, tours inside SUSTech and Shenzhen City will be arranged during the forum. 

4 Application

Please submit your CV and one page cover letter to sme-hr@sustech.edu.cn, the mailbox of School of Microelectronics,SUSTech, entitled “Research Area" , such as Emerging Microelectronic Device(Wide-bandgap semiconductor, Nonvolatile memory, MEMS Sensor), IC-Chip Design (FutureComputing/Communication/Biomedical SoC),Intelligent System (AIoT) for EdgeComputing for evaluation. We will evaluate your application and send out invitation as soon as possible. Please send materials at your earliest convenience since the registration is limited.

The application will close on December 15, 2019. Successful applicants will receive the invitation before December 20, 2019.


5  Travel and Accommodation

(a) Free accommodation and lodging will be provided;

(b) Travels: All invited participants need to purchase their own tickets (economy class). We will provide travel reimbursement for the actual cost of tickets from December 20, 2019 to January 20, 2020 (maximum CNY 12,000 per person). 


6  Salary and Benefits 


For faculty of SUSTech awarded with national talent plans, the following salary and benefits package will be provided: 

Globally competitive (including US , HK and SG) salary;

(b)  According to the recently released policy of Guangdong Provision,income tax of qualified high-level talents will be compensated by local government to a maximum of 15%;

(c) A total of CNY 2.75 million living and housing subsidies (national, provincial and Shenzhen Peacock B),with apartment inside campus or housing allowance of leasing outside; An extra yearly subsidy of CNY 500,000 will be awarded to scholars with “Pearl River Talents Plan” (longest for 5 years);  

(d) Insurance:Shenzhen’s highest level of retirement insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing accumulation funds. Special high-level health insurance is negotiable; 

(e)  Lab space about 150 square meters; 

(f)  At least 1 PhD student per year and total 5 post-doctoral fellows support, with a yearly subsidy of CNY 180,000 from Shenzhen government for each post-doctoral fellow; Self-determination of hiring research assistant professors (RAPs) with competitive research fund support for RAPs. 

(g) A total of approximately CNY 8~12 million research fund; Assistance to apply for other competitive national, provincial and Shenzhen grants;

(h) Permanent residence or resident visa service of scholar and family (spouse and children); Service of children’s education in SUSTech affiliated preschool, primary school and middle school; Spouse’s employment service. 

7 Contact Information

Ms. Zeng

Tel: +86-75588015743



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